Update on Lincoln | 28 Week Preemie | NICU Portraits | Charlotte, North Carolina NICU Photographer | Krista Gantt Photography

Lincoln was the first NICU portrait session that I did almost a year ago!  I was so excited to share my gift of photography with a NICU family, and even more thrilled with the experience when I met his parents.  They are the sweetest couple and they were so appreciative of my complimentary services.  I love being able to incorporate my artistic craft with my love for the preemies and nursing career.

Here's an update from Lincoln's mom:

"Lincoln is 10 months (7 months adjusted) already. He's over 15 pounds. He's crawling around everywhere, sitting up on his own, and just recently pulling himself up to stand! It's so amazing to see him grow & develop. (He still receives PT once a week and speech once every other week.)  He is just full of personality and I'm so grateful to be his mommy. ❤"