
The Perks of Private Santa Portraits | Charlotte, North Carolina | Krista Gantt Photography

A trip to see Santa is such a quintessential childhood experience; the visit brings such joy to little ones and their families. While Santa is pure magic for kids, there are so many factors of visiting Santa in a mall or larger setting that can make the experience less than ideal for families.

A private Santa portrait provides a special, individualized experience for each and every child. Families can plan around nap times and other activities and skip the long lines in order to enjoy a moment of togetherness and to soak in the holiday spirit.

Not only are the little ones able to see Santa; they are also able to visit with his better half—Mrs. Claus! This is an experience that is not offered very frequently, and it really brings the entire Santa experience to life.

Private sessions also allow for all kinds of special considerations. For example, a private setting can be more manageable for children with sensory processing challenges. Also, for children with weakened immune systems (like all of those sweet preemies I photograph) the private settings create a cleaner environment with fewer chances to leave Santa with any unwanted ‘gifts’. Even children on home ventilators are welcome, as I am comfortable working with all kinds of medical equipment.

My private Santa sessions begins with coffee, hot chocolate, and some sweet holiday treats. The aroma of WoodWick’s Frasier Fir candle fills my home studio, and creates a relaxing space for families to dwell while the children craft their wish lists. When Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive, the little ones can jump right up—the shy littles are allowed plenty of time to warm up before sharing their wish list. All of these factors add up to create relaxed, authentic photographs for each family.

Below is a sneak peek of a few 2019 private sessions with Santa and Mrs. Claus! Tell me in the comments why you would choose a private Santa session over a visit to the mall! I’m interested to hear your thoughts!