Seven Ways To Help A New Mom Friend | Charlotte, North Carolina Newborn Photographer

Seven Ways To Help A New Mom Friend

Your friend just became a mom, and you want to do something nice for her. Here are a few ways you can help:

  1. Lend a hand! Offer to hold the baby so she can take a shower or catch a nap.

2. Provide a listening ear. Adjusting to motherhood is all encompassing. Someone to listen to her worries will mean so much.

3. Put her feet up! Give mom the opportunity to rest while you help out with household chores or errands.

4. Provide love and support. Ask mom what she needs to feel most supported right now. You might be surprised at her answer!

5. Support the whole family with a meal. A dinner is great, but so are quick breakfast options or easy snacks.

6. Make baby comfortable! Practical gifts for baby are always appreciated. Consider what must-have items she may not have received from her registry. Diapers and wipes will never go out of style!

7. Don’t stay too long! Feeling pressure to entertain might feel overwhelming. Plan to keep any visits brief, so mom and baby can get back to their rest.

What other advice do you have? What was most helpful to you as a new mom? Comment below to share your ideas with other moms!