Fall Family Portraits | Charlotte, North Carolina Photographer | Krista Gantt Photography

While it may not always feel like it here in Charlotte, it’s beginning to look like Fall!. The trees are lush, leaves are beginning to turn and fall underfoot—it’s beautiful!

Speaking of beautiful, can you even handle this family? I have been photographing them from the NICU to milestones and family portraits. They styled their family perfectly for fall family portraits with deep, warmer tones and hints of denim. I love that they’re coordinated, and not too matchy matchy.

What really makes these photos are the radiant smiles and the easygoing energy of these four. Not everyone is super comfortable in front of the camera, but there’s so much beauty in normal, minimally posed family moments. From little kisses to children exploring their surroundings, I love to photograph the essence of a family instead of a cookie cutter posed snapshot that may or may not resemble their true spirit.

Enjoy and capture each season, and print your pictures because time is a thief, y’all!